Single Color Rates

No shades No Shadow No color Mixes One Solid Color


The Details

Create your t-shirts with us!
GR33NINK (GreenInk) is now making shirts with your logo !
all shirts are 5.00 each

If you bring your own shirts,

:: Or ::
S M L XL   =5.00
2LX        =7.00
3-5XL XL =8.00

Setup fee is 30.00 1x - so when you come back, no extra cost on VECTORIZING
we will have the old template waiting for you. and even take it home with you ON CD!

If you already have a design please make sure its in EPS format or AI format VECTOR ART ONLY and setup fee will be waived.

Please call us for any questions or details on SHIRTS
all cotton or 50/50 (Sorry no nylon right now)

5 shirts minimum.
773-789-SILK (7455)

1 shirt 15.00 both sides
5 shirts Single side 25.00
5 shirts Both sides 50.00
10 shirts Single side 50.00
20 shirts Single side 100.00
20 shirts Both sides 200.00 - (500 free business cards UV coated)
30 shirts single sided 300.00
30 shirts Both sides 450.00 - (500 free business cards UV coated)
Prices based on 1 color shirts, each color after that is 3.00 extra
please make sure all shirts are new, for better application
Cotton, Polyester, Blends, Spandex, Lycra, wool and Linen.
Will NOT adhere to nylon (10.00 per side for specialty vinyl - Metal and Neon)


How setup and time is put into each and every project.
Heat Press, Vinyl Cutter and how it works